Monday, August 20, 2012

The Sun Has Risen Once Again

The Light's grasp weakens as it slips toward the horizon.
Streams of gold and yellow fade to dark orange and red.
Purple hues droop, and darkness looms, light's absence.

Distorted shadows grow, consuming all around.
Natural is extinguished, Artificial wakes as half the world sleeps.
The past reveals itself a million times, a constant stream of remembrance.

Nearest Neighbor is shy this time of the month.
He peeks, but the path remains dark ahead.
Confusion abounds. It doesn't seem to end.

Minutes stretch and blend into each other.
Hands move, but everything stays the same.
Movement is hidden, change hindered, frozen in icy time.

Suffocating staleness pervades space.
Anxious chemical reactions burst and pop.
The motherboard is threatened by an electrical overload.

Then the giant shadow becomes many.
Change is present once again.
Motion resumes.

The sun has risen once again.